The activities that we do in Motor Lab and Physical Education class not only aides the students in age appropriate muscle development and coordination but also is important for continuing to improve brain development to enhance the learning process.
The Day School partners with families to educate the whole child within a nurturing Christian environment
The Day School is so special to our family! We are a 3 generation day school family. What we value most about the Day School is the nurturing Christian environment and the whole child approach. You can feel the love in the halls and classrooms. Our oldest learned how to read in kindergarten at The Day School, but most importantly, through the love of his teachers, he learned that he is a unique, special child of God.
Margaret Kelley
Curriculum addresses all developmental areas in a whole-child approach.
The Day School specializes in early childhood education.
Students learn special subjects from experts in those fields.
The activities that we do in Motor Lab and Physical Education class not only aides the students in age appropriate muscle development and coordination but also is important for continuing to improve brain development to enhance the learning process.
A Spring STEAM update from our STEAM teacher, Mrs. Dyer!
Children are innately musical. They seek out and are drawn to musical experiences. And they learn the language of music just as they would a spoken language. First, they listen and begin to imitate musical sounds around them. Learn more from our Music teacher, Mary Frances Baker!