Parent Council Fundraising
Parent Council at The Day School is an integral part of fundraising for our community! Our school is grateful for parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends of our school for contributing both financially and with gifts of time as volunteers. As a school we are committed to not exhaust parents with constant fundraisers. Parent Council intentionally hosts two fundraising events throughout the year.
North Texas Giving Day
We kick off our school year by participating in Communities Foundation of Texas' North Texas Giving Day! This is a concentrated 24-hour online giving event that many local schools and nonprofits will participate in.
Save the Date: September 19th, 2024
Early giving begins September 1st
2024 NTGD Parent Council Committee:
Lacey Fisher - Chair
Audrey Youngman
Rachel Lawrence
Virginia Shaw
If your company has an employer matching program, please ask your employer to send the matching funds directly to The Day School.
Contact the NTGD Parent Council Committee with any questions.
Show Your Love Auction
Each Spring, Parent Council hosts a Silent Auction. This is great opportunity for local business owners and Day School families to donate a variety of gifts, experiences, and services to benefit our school community.
Save the Date! 2024-2025 Auction will be held March 31-April 3.
Spring Fling Auction Event will be on April 3rd.
2024-2025 Auction Parent Council Committee
Kristin Dail
Lindsay Gormly
Carrie Gillespie
Forrest Connell
Alexis Sloustcher
Whitney Camp
Elizabeth Pollock
Jessica Parker
2024-2025 Auction Party Parent Council Committee
Caroline Uihlein
Katherine Wyker
Mallory Millsap
Megan Bellomy
Ashley Conger
Margaret Mulherin
Ashley Nelson
Contact the auction committee for opportunities for donations, underwriting, and sponsorship opportunities.