Teachers lead students in in-depth studies based on science and social studies concepts that allow children to explore and investigate high-interest topics through experiences that support their development in each area.
- Beginning of the Year
- Buildings
- Trees
- Balls
- Clothes
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Making Music
- Pets
Curriculum Resources
- The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is an award-winning, research-based program that supports a developmentally-appropriate approach to learning through exploration and discovery
- Handwriting without Tears provides multi-sensory pre-writing experiences and beginning letter formation practice books
Classroom Experiences
- Focus Question: Engages children in higher-order thinking related to unit of study
- Morning Circle Time: Children experience a sense of belonging, practice communication skills, and are introduced to new concepts and materials
- Closing Circle Time: Children reflect on day’s events and experience closure
- Read-Aloud: Children learn about each component of literacy as they listen to and discuss high-interest texts related to units of study
- Workshops: Development is supported through purposeful play - Blocks, Dramatic Play, Manipulatives/Games, Art, Library, Discovery, Sand and Water, Cooking, Worship, Writing
- Small Groups: Teachers introduce new concepts and materials, teach specific skills, encourage conversations and sharing of ideas, extend children’s thinking
- Snack Time: Children practice self-care routines, help distribute materials and clean up, and enjoy time to socialize
- Outdoor Play: All areas of development are supported as children explore and play on the playground
PreK3 Specials
- Spanish
- Music
- Motor Lab
- Bible
- Chapel
- Library