Teachers lead students in in-depth studies based on science and social studies topics that incorporate relevant and engaging experiences that support their growth in all developmental and academic areas. Each theme has 4 Big Ideas that help children understand the learning goals and connect what they are learning to their world.
- Ready for School
- My Family
- Our Community
- Awesome Animals
- Imagine It, Make It
- Growing Up Healthy
- Nature All Around Us
- Moving On
Curriculum Resources
- Scholastic Big Day for PreK is a comprehensive program that embraces children’s natural curiosity and builds the foundation for success in school and life
- Handwriting without Tears provides multi-sensory experiences to promote good pre-writing skills and beginning letter formation practice
Classroom Experiences
- Morning Circle Time: Children experience a sense of belonging, practice communication skills, and are introduced to new concepts and materials
- Closing Circle Time: Children reflect on day’s events and experience closure
- Read-Aloud: Children learn about each component of literacy as they listen to and discuss high-interest texts related to units of study
- Workshops: Development is supported through hands-on exploration of important concepts and skills that are extensions of the theme - Blocks, Dramatic Play, Art, Reading and Listening, Science and Math, and Writing
- Small Groups: Teachers provide lessons to small groups that reinforce essential skills, and reteach or enrich as necessary
- Snacks and Lunch Time: Children practice self-care routines, help distribute materials and clean up, and enjoy time to socialize
- Outdoor Play: All areas of development are supported as children explore and play on the playground
- Specials
PreK4 Specials
- Reading Specialist
- Spanish
- Music
- Art
- P.E.
- Bible
- Chapel
- Library